Happy New year to all our patients. We had started off our New Year, by diving right into work - packing away all our Christmas decorations and organizing and planning our schedules, etc.
We have not made any New Year resolutions - the focus has rather been on taking little steps gradually throughout 2020 to implement healthier choices into our lives.
In future, some of our blogs, will be covering questions which you have been asking us. Should you have a question, which you want addressed, please send it to contact@applebymedicalcentre.com or to WhatsApp Business at 905-632-7775 or 905-632-2089.
The most common question that we get and perhaps the one that confuses patients the most is the flu shot.
Joan from Burlington asks : I am a 23 year old student. I have never taken the flu shots before. Last year, I was terribly sick with the flu and had to miss classes which is not a good thing. Should I take the flu shot this season?
Our response. : Yes, We do highly recommend the flu shots. Sreejith, has been continuing to call up patients to remind them to take the flu shots. Last year, we were happy to note that a record number of patients, more than usual, had taken their shots. Now in January 2020, it is still not too late.
If you do not take the flu shots or have taken the shots elsewhere, please contact us so that we can update our records. We love updated records - so important. Even when making a referral, we add as much detail as we can to the referral letters to ensure that your request gets priority and that the specialist is well informed of your health concerns.
Although we do not at this stage, have any recent data on the flu statistics in Canada as yet, we do have reports that the United States may be headed into a bad flu season. As of the last week of December there was "widespread" flu activity reported by health departments in 46 states.
Good news! We are now on WhatsApp Business. The contact number is
905-632-7775 or 905-632-2089. This is only for appointments. For any other queries, we suggest that you make an appointment to discuss the matter with Dr. Singh.
Whilst, I do not like to end on a warning, I must add that if this is abused then we will be forced to close our WhatsApp Business account or maybe to block you if there is any abuse of the system.
WhatsApp Business is available if you want to avoid calling the front desk but need to contact us to make an appointment or to advise that you are running late for an appointment, etc.